Will Symptoms Of Mania And Depression Ever Rule The World?

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작성자 Aimee 작성일 24-09-03 19:21 조회 11 댓글 0


Symptoms of Mania and Depression

If you have bipolar disorder, you experience periodic lows and highs known as depression and mania. The frequency and severity of these mood swings can help your doctor determine what type of bipolar disorder that you are suffering from.

During a manic episode, you have abnormally high levels of activity and energy that can impact your thinking and cause issues with relationships. These symptoms of severe depressive episode can be managed by mood stabilizers.

Mood swings

People experience mood shifts periodically however, if it happens frequently and disrupts daily life, it could be a sign of mania or depression. Mood shifts can be caused by major events, stress, lack of sleep, or even travel. It could be triggered by medications or other health issues. If your mood fluctuates over time, it's best to seek out a physician.

When a person has an euphoric episode they may feel exuberant and energized. They might have lofty expectations about their capabilities, and a feeling of joy. They might talk a lot and sleep little. Sometimes symptoms are severe enough that they need hospitalization to ensure their safety. They may be afraid, hear or see things that others don't (hallucinations), and believe things which are untrue for others (delusions).

In a depressive episode a person feels sad, empty, or hopeless. They might lose interest and find it difficult to think clearly. Depression can also trigger suicide-related thoughts or attempts, but it's important to seek help if you're experiencing these thoughts.

It is possible for a person to experience both manic episodes and depressive ones simultaneously. This is referred to as an episode with mixed characteristics. In this instance, they'll suffer from the same symptoms as someone who is depressed, but they'll be feeling energized at the same time.

Bipolar disorder is characterized by mania and depression that occur very quickly, similar to an ebb and flow that changes from high to low within just a few hours. This is known as rapid cycle and is a significant warning sign that you require treatment.

If you're experiencing extreme and sudden changes in your mood it's a good idea to see an expert in mental health for an evaluation. There are a variety of treatments available to improve your mood and help you live a healthier, more productive life. You can also utilize BetterHelp's free online service to connect with an experienced therapist who can help you manage your symptoms and enhance your living quality.


Sleepiness is a typical symptom of depression, but it could be a sign of hypomania or mania. You may experience difficulty sleeping during an episode of manic mania due to racing thoughts and hyperactivity. A manic episode that is severe can also cause you to lose the reality (psychosis), including hallucinations and delusions.

Hypomania isn't as severe and is more of an normal high. It may feel euphoric and you may feel more productive. However, it can also lead to reckless behavior, like taking advantage of your savings and engaging in sexual activity that is not protected. It is also possible to become angry and irritable or even violent.

In severe episodes you may start thinking irrationally and believing things that aren't true, or imagining things that do not exist (delusions or hallucinations). You could also behave in a manner that's dangerous to yourself or others. These instances may require hospitalization to ensure your security.

It is crucial to seek treatment when you're suffering from mania or recognizing depression symptoms. Your doctor will assist you to manage your symptoms by using psychotherapy and medication. In certain situations your doctor may suggest electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), a brief electrical shock that is delivered to the brain. ECT is used most often for life-threatening, severe depressions that haven't been able to respond well to other treatments.

You can control your mood swings by using the proper treatment. Use your medication according to the instructions and discuss any concerns you have with your doctor. Check with your doctor for any other medications, such as antidepressants or stimulants to ensure they will not interfere with treatment for bipolar disorder.

Manic episodes however, you can reduce your risk by maintaining the same routine and getting enough rest. Make sure you go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. Avoid caffeine and other substances which could disrupt your sleep. If you do develop a manic episode, call 911 or your local emergency services immediately. They can check you for symptoms of suicide or other mental health issues.


Feeling anxious, agitated, or tense could be a sign that you are suffering from mania or depression. If you have these cognitive symptoms of depression, it's important to speak with your doctor or mental health specialist. You could be referred for an evaluation of your mental state by a psychiatrist or prescribed medication to improve your mood.

A manic episode could cause someone's behavior to be impulsive, uncontrolled and dangerous. You might spend money in reckless ways, or engage in sexual activity that is reckless. If the manic episodes are severe, you may need to be hospitalized for your own security. Manic episodes can include hallucinations, delusions or a disorganized mind.

In a manic episode you might believe that you are super-powerful and unstoppable. You might feel overwhelmed or even creative. You could also be extremely active and sleep less. You might be so fast talking that people can't follow you, or change topics very quickly. Hypomania is a milder version of manic symptoms that people with bipolar disorder may be experiencing. These episodes can last for several weeks and can make you feel good, but do not disrupt your daily life. They usually follow a severe depression.

human-givens-institute-logo.pngIf you experience these mood swings, you may be diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Bipolar I disorder includes periods of depression and mania. Bipolar II is characterized by periods of hypomania followed by severe depression. It is possible to be diagnosed with unspecified bipolar disorder when you've had a few episodes of mania and depression, but the symptoms don't fit into other categories.

People with bipolar disorder experience the characteristic of having rapid cycles, meaning they cycle from high to low several times a day. This is dangerous and needs to be treated.

Your doctor may recommend electroconvulsive treatment, also known as ECT as a method to treat your mania. In this procedure the doctor will apply general anesthesia to make you sleepy while an electric current flows through your brain. The ECT treatment triggers a quick seizures and is very effective for people with severe depression or mania that isn't responding to other treatments.


Bipolar disorder sufferers typically have depression and mania however, they can also have episodes that are neither manic nor depressive. This is known as rapid cycling. It can be dangerous, so it is crucial to follow your treatment plan closely.

A manic episode occurs the time when you feel extremely joyful, euphoric, and are filled with energy. This is a change in your mood, which usually lasts at least several days, but can last longer. Other signs include racing thoughts speaking so fast that you can't be heard being invincible, and reckless behavior.

The first signs of a manic phase can be difficult to identify. You may appear to be on top of everything and be capable of doing whatever you want, but this can quickly spiral out of control. For example, you might spend or gamble away large amounts of cash or drive recklessly. You may also cause trouble at work or in school when you're angry and irritable, engage in fights or blame others for your issues.

If you're experiencing severe mania, you may require hospitalization in order to protect yourself and others. This is especially relevant if you are experiencing psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations or delusions. In certain instances, your doctor might prescribe antipsychotic medications such as ariprazole (Abilify), Lurasidone (Latuda), olanzapine (Zyprexa) or quetiapine (Seroquel).

A depressive episode is more severe than normal sadness and can last for a long time. It can be caused by Physical Signs Of Depression symptoms such as a fatigue, loss of appetite or trouble with thinking or concentrating. Other signs include feelings of hopelessness or guilt, physical pain and suicidal thoughts.

Depression can be triggered by things like the loss of loved ones or relationship issues, financial difficulties, and sometimes by medical conditions such as illness or surgery. It can also be the result of a chemical imbalance within the brain, or as a reaction to certain medications such as antidepressants. Stress and abuse of substances, such as recreational or alcoholic drinks, can worsen the condition. Symptoms can be relieved with therapy for talk, like light exposure, psychotherapy, and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Ask your family members and close friends for assistance when you're suffering from depression. Seek treatment as soon as you can to improve your health.coe-2022.png

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